Monday, March 30, 2009

Week Eight: Sweltering Church, Militant Children, and Clifftop Monestaries

This week was quite the Greek experience.

A Recap:
Monday - Two hours of confusing the Greek υ with the "Latin" u, followed by lunch then class, class, class.

Tuesday - A lesson in the Greek conception of time. "I am there when I get there. When I leave, I'm no longer there."

Wednesday - MARCH 25 - A combo-holiday for Greeks. The one-two punch of nation and religion: Annunciation Day and Independence Day.

Annunciation Day, for the heathens among you, myself included, is the Christian holiday celebrating the day that the angel informed Mary that she was to have a child, conceived miraculously through the power of God - kilometers and kilometers away in Heaven (after all, Israel DOES use the metric system).

A note to the non-heathens among you - despite God's best intentions in providing for the conception of a child, don't believe any angels that try to give you the "birds and bees" talk. There seems to be a slight angel-human disconnect surrounding storks and diapers.

Sarcasm aside, we decided to make the most of this "twofer" holiday and headed off to the Greek Orthodox Annunciation ceremony. Some notes on the differences between this ceremony and the typical Catholic ceremonies I grew up with:
  • Come and go as you wish. Stay for 4 hours or 10 minutes.
  • All women on the left side, all men on the right.
  • At some point, any point really, make your way up the aisle and kiss the "idol" (painting) of Jesus at the front.
  • Do the sign of the cross in sets of three and do it frequently.
  • Demographics: 60% over 60; 35% between 45-60; 5% (including us) below 45. 70% women; 30% men. 99% wearing winter, fur-lined coats while sitting/standing/bowing inside the church.
  • Service is still given in the ancient form of the language, though it is much more akin to modern Greek than Latin is to, well, anything.
  • Communion is passed around randomly throughout the seats and left in random baskets throughout the church for parishioners to pick up at will. No communion procession. Literally consists of chunks of bread.
  • On a non-comparative note, the service was held in a basement (the main church is under repair) that was an absurd 90+ degrees Fahrenheit. Everyone was still wearing their fur-lined coats. We took our cue from others and stayed less than a half hour lest we melt or strip naked - whichever would've come first.

Greek Independence Day celebrates their declaration of independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1821. I'm not sure this holiday acknowledges that this was followed by almost constant war - for independence, against neighboring aggressors, against the Turks and Germans in the World Wars, for the extension of territory, and civil strife - through the 1970s.

In a awkward show of an elevated sense of patriotism, each town holds a parade on this day in which all the middle and high school students MARCH - in step, arms swinging.... "Ενα, ενα, ενα-δυο-ενα!" replaces the familiar "Left, left, left-right-left!" Though not as impressively organized as I'm sure it's supposed to appear, it is still remarkable to me to see these 11-18 year olds in lines marching military style. A remnant of the dictatorships that haunted the country for years on end.

A group of Greek flag-bearing high schoolers.

High school students from Anatolia - the high school associated with ACT - the university I am studying at. I was somewhat surprised to see them here - Greece has an interesting prospective on the public vs. private education idea. Mostly getting a private education excludes you from most public positions, events, etc. However, getting a private degrees is more likely to show some sort of achievement outside of Greece.


I am somewhat disappointed, for the shear experience of it, that the military parade in Thessaloniki is downsized for Independence Day so that Athens can see the full procession. Too bad we won't be in Thessaloniki in October to see the guns, artillery, and tanks of Greece just an arm's length away in the other major parade of the year!

Thursday - an exciting day of volunteering at the US College Counseling office - tutoring for the writing portion of the SAT which I never took and folding hundreds of brochures for the elementary school summer camp!

Friday - Another experience with Greek Orthodoxy for "Friday Night Vespers" - a long ceremony that occurs each Friday during Lent that consists of chanting stories in ancient Greek and practitioners coming and going as they please. See Wednesday.

Saturday and Sunday - a trip to the Meteora Monasteries. These monasteries are located in central Greece in an area that pre-historically was part of the sea. Starting in the 1400s, monks took refuge in the rocks of this area. Soon, in the sense of a couple hundred years, they had built 20 monasteries on the tops of the rock formations - an astounding achievement of engineering and architecture realized by the most humble characters imaginable. The Greek Orthodox monk's life: 8 hours of prayer, 8 hours of work, 8 hours of sleep, repeat.

Historically, Greek Orthodox monasteries serve as a refuge for Greek nationals when facing wartime struggles, and these were no different. Sadly, that is why they number only 6 now, and most have been restored or rebuilt completely within the last few decades.

Kalambaka - the town we stayed in overnight at the foothills of Meteora. Can you imagine waking up to that view everyday?

A view of the courtyard and buildings of the first monastery we visited - actually a nunnery.

Doors to the nuns' quarters. No guests allowed inside that part!

A view of the valley created by the receding waters throughout thousands of years.

Artistic masonry of the church at the second monastery we visited. This monastery is the largest and most elevated (physically) of the monasteries. It did not meet nearly as much destruction throughout the wars and conflicts as the others.

One of the many frescoes painted on the churches' walls. Most of them are inside the churches and we weren't allowed to take pictures there. Not that it much mattered. My camera battery was about dead, so I had to fuss with it to get any of these to take!

The rock formations that the monasteries are built on. The second one we visited is perched on top of the rock on the right side of the picture.

Two monasteries (which we didn't visit) from a distance.

The trip included an initial lunch stop in the town of Trikala - a beautiful town in the middle of nowhere. The town is supposedly home to Hippocrates' first hospital and a section of the town is dedicated to the "old" style of architecture which made for numerous artistically picturesque photos.


The trip also unintentionally included a four hour "break" outside of the second of two monasteries we visited so that the bus could be repaired. Having learned in the last year how to change a car's oil, replace the brakes and install a radiator, I know this much: I can repair a car faster than a Greek can get a bus to start by letting it roll down a mountain.

And now, it's Monday. Again. Greece, don't be in such a hurry!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Weeks Six and Seven: What Do You Mean "It's Monday Again"?

Busy, busy, busy. Here's an update on the past couple weeks in Thessaloniki and beyond:

1. The first day of Spring!

2. My birthday may have been a Greek national holiday, but my sister's (March 13) was the kick of the annual Thessaloniki Documentary Film Festival. This is an international film festival that lasted until this past Sunday. This country must really love us - Maggie's not even here and they gave her a whole film festival!

The real present though was that ACT (the school) acquired free passes for us so that we could attend any screenings we wanted to for free! So, I saw 15 movies throughout the week on topics from poverty to grassroots movements to guerrilla journalism to gymnastics to schizophrenia to nuclear testing taking place in places like Kenya, China, Mexico, Kazakhstan, Tanzania and Myanmar.

Some of the films were good, some excellent, some mediocre. Almost all of them were thought provoking, passionate and important. Thank you, Thessaloniki.

3. ACT is part of a larger campus that houses all levels of education from kindergarten to MBA's. I've started volunteering on my days off with the US College Counseling Office at the Anatolia High School. I have been helping one student prepare for the writing section of her SATs (SOOOOO glad that I missed that new SAT piece by a year!) and am also working on re-organizing their collection of summer programs in the US that are open to their students and re-vamping their application processes for the programs. Sounds exciting, huh?

In any case, the staff at the College Counseling Office is wonderfully friendly, welcoming and appreciative and I'm happy to be working with them. They have a beautiful office that is actually in a lovely victorian-style house with little gardens, vines running up the walls, and pomegranite trees out back. No pictures yet, though.

4. I have to give my Mom some props here for be my trans-Atlantic editor. I've been spending a lot of time in the last couple weeks getting my resume ready and starting to put it "out there." It's easy to forget when you're in such a beautiful place that the real world is getting closer and closer.

No!!!!! Don't make me do it! You can't! I won't! I just want to be a student forever!

5. Oh yeah, and I went to Bulgaria this weekend. To Sofia, the capital city. We took an overnight train Friday night and arrived in Sofia around 8am. After hunting down our hostel, we were given free breakfast, and we met a guy from a town in Wisconsin just 20 minutes away from where one of our travel companions was from. We headed off with our new Wisconsinite friend to explore the city. Sofia is actually a pretty small city and we easily walked around and through most of it on Saturday while stopping to take pictures and go inside many of the historic (and not-so-historic) churches and buildings.

Bulgaria was initially allied with Nazi Germany during World War II, but was defeated (rather easily) by the USSR toward the end of the war, and subsequently became a communist state. Since the collapse of the USSR, Bulgaria has been a democratic state.

We ate lunch at a restaurant recommended to us by the hostel staff. It had traditional Bulgarian food served by traditional Bulgarian waitstaff. Apparently this means rude, slow and forgetful. We got a good laugh out of it, and ate some great food. I remembered to take food pictures this time, but only when everything was half-eaten :)

After lunch, we finished touring the city and headed back to our hostel for some relaxing card games and a free pasta and beer dinner. We went to bed fairly early and were on the train back to Thessaloniki at 7am. All in all, it was a great 23 hours in S(n)ofia...see the photos below to understand the parenthesis.

The streets of Sofia.

The sign on top of the building says, "Be Happy" as in, you're in snowy Bulgaria, why wouldn't you be happy?

We decided to chalk these up to being communist art. I'm not sure there's any other explanation.

This is from a statue portraying a bunch of kids playing some kind of tug-of-war. There's either melting snow on her head, or she's crying because of communism.

This is a communist-made monument glorifying the working class. (Perhaps you sense a theme?)

Beautiful Orthadox Church built in the late 1800s-early 1900s. We weren't allowed to take pictures inside most places.

A series of vendors outside the above church were selling all kinds of Nazi and Soviet memorabilia like this. Hmmm...

Another Orthadox church - this one was built in the 1200s and was completely below ground level. Again, no pictures inside.

FOOD! This was a great traditional Bulgarian dish - kind of like chunky mashed potatoes with a feta-like cheese and dill, topped with another cheese and baked in this iron dish. Mmmmm!

Our grilled veggies was also delicious, but mysteriously came with one raw tomato slice.

The only church we could take pictures inside of. Like the rest of them, the big, open space in the middle is meant for parishoners to stand during the ceremony. The walls are covered with icons of Jesus, Mary, and most any imaginable Saint. They are also fond of dragons, lions, and peacocks in their iconography. Couldn't tell you why.

It has been a busy couple of weeks of running around, things to do and see and new things to think about. Most of all, I can't believe that March is already over. Wasn't my birthday just yesterday? What do you mean it's Monday AGAIN?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Week Five: Who Wants to Chip in for the New Summer Home?

Okay, yes, this entry is supremely delayed. But that just means that Greece keeps getting better and better. So for week 5 I went on the first weekend “field trip” organized by our school. We went to the city of Volos and the town of Makrinitsa. The city lies at the foot of Mount Pilio, which was the home of the centaurs according to ancient Greek mythology. Volos is also significant in Greek legend as the port from which Jason and the Argonauts left in their quest for the Golden Fleece. While in Volos, we visited the archeological museum housing artifacts from the region from the Bronze age to about the 3rd century AD. We wandered the city, enjoyed the beautiful weather, and had the best fresh seafood meal I’ve had so far in Greece.

Makrinitsa is a village near the peak of Mount Pilio, which was founded in the 13th century as a monastery. It was eventually converted into a regular village with houses peaking out from the side of the mountain. Makrinitsa is now a somewhat off-the-beaten-path tourist destination where all buildings must be built in the town’s traditional style with traditional materials. With a glorious view of Volos below, we spent the night in the peaceful town.

As I told Matt after the trip, I decided where I will be buying my first summer home. ;)

Photos of the Week:

Token flower picture. One of many. Also one of the many habits I've inherited from Mom.

A waterfront church in Volos.

Boats in Volos.

If you look all the way up on the mountain, you can see Makrinitsa from the waterfront in Volos.

A replica of the ship that Jason and the Argonauts took out of Volos in search of the Golden Fleece.

The views from Makrinitsa.

A example of keeping traditional building technique alive in Makrinitsa...."I want to build my shop here, but there is a tree that is hundreds of years old in my way. I'll just build around it." We could learn a lesson or two...

Night time.....

Makrinitsa in the mountainside.

Mama kitty. Too adorable.

Idols of John the Baptist and Jesus, Greek Orthodox style. Apparently they really like to portray these cousins in similar dress and positions - the only big difference being that John has messy hair since he's from the dessert. Logic.

Token flower picture #2.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

WHOA! Hold on a second - read the post (below) first, then check out the pictures, huh?

This is the town of Xanthi on its most populated day of the year. Crowd lining the street shortly before the parade started.

When you tell a Greek person that doesn't speak English that you're an American, you're likely to hear one of the few American words they know:


When people dress in costume in the States, it's common to see someone put on a short shirt and a head band with some ears attached and say that they're "a sexy kitten." In Greece, they like to dress in stereotypical ethnic costumes.... hmmm...

This group was having more fun than anyone, I think. I mean, they are dressed up like beer bottles and mugs...

Tweety with face paint and....wait, I don't think that's Granny...unless Granny was really a man...

Boys will be boys.

The panda pack got a little rambunctious. And I can promise you that's not water in their water bottles. In fact, in the center of the picture, you can see someone holding a one litre box/bottle of wine openly. There was a lot of that going on. Guess they thought they were Jack Black and were trying some of their Kung Fu Panda skills.

I'm not sure why they decided that mixing monks with flamingos was a logical group. But okay...

This is what the streets looked like after the parade. I'm still digging confetti out of my sweatshirt!

Oh, the peaceful side of Xanthi.