Monday, May 11, 2009

Week Fourteen: The Illnesses That Were Bound to Happen

I have caught two true epidemics. None of that swine flu tomfoolery. One effects hundred of thousands of high school and college students each year. Another latches on to foreign nationals in Greece. My productivity has declined drastically and I often find myself outside with no other explanation than it helps relieve some of my symptoms.

So that I don't confuse you with the medical terms, I'll use the layman terminology - I have senioritis and "I'm in Greece"-itis. Some have tried telling me that these are very serious medical conditions, but in all honesty, I don't think they're so bad. The two diseases sort of feed off of one another, and I'm left with two fairly minor symptoms: I don't want to do any school work or go to class, and I have an insatiable need to make the most of every moment and opportunity this country and I have left.

Keeping my diseases in mind, this week went as follows...Returned from Turkey at 9am Monday and started class at 11am. Went straight to bed after class. "Work" on Tuesday, then out to dinner at a taverna. Then I wrote my paper that was due Wednesday. Classes Wednesday followed by a walk by the water. "Work" on Thursday, including putting on College Fair with the study abroad students for the high school students. Fried foods and tzatziki for dinner. Friday - Class and taverna. Saturday - pretending to work on a presentation for today, but really sitting outside and anything but work. Drinks and board games. Sunday - some sincere effort on the presentation, followed by the acceptance that my diseases were in full swing. A walk by the water.

Just relax and live it up.


A necessary appetizer item at tavernas.

College Fair from above

Free mystery shots at Harry's Spot.

Rummikub at Harry's Spot.

Sunset and fishing.


  1. The cure is much worse than the disease!

  2. Great adventures kiddo. Love each and every post. You're going to miss Greece when you have to head home and I'm going to miss you postings and the pix.

    Love you
